Sunday, July 17, 2011

If you saw this girl, what would you think?

If you were in school one day and notice a black girl who is supperr "beautiful". Shes is superr pretty. She has super long hair that almost touches her butt! She has a super flat stomach, humongous boobs and kindaa a big butt but its not flat at all. She is always looking good by wearing stylish shirts and skin tight skinny jeans. She never shows cleavage though. She never has to dress like a slut for boys to like her. She is mostly a innocent, fun girl who every one knows. She is so sweet but in the hallways she has this "walk", she looks so happy and confident and she is alwayss smiling. She has brown skin.. the color of chris browns and mostly hangs out wih only white people. She knows every one and is always talking to every one and meeting new people. She is probaby the most friendly girl you can know. She has super good grades and she like friends with her teachers. Even though she is religious and a serious virgin.... she is always talking to all the guys and they think she is super pretty but the respect her because shes not a slut like most of the girls in high school. Shes so sweet but... she realyy bothers me.. maybe im jealouse. Im a white chick though, if you saw her what would you think of her? What would you stereotype her? Would you be a little jealouse? Or if you are a guy... would you think shes hot.

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