Saturday, July 16, 2011

Was Bristol Palin's Virginity Stolen By Levi?

I will be happy when I never have to hear anyone from Alaska with the last name "Palin" again for the rest of my life. Why can't they stay behind the camera and out of print where they permanently belong. Sarah Palin will run for President and fail miserably. Perhaps this will send her back to Wassilla in shame. Oh, but that's right. She has no shame. She is driving around the country in this Mystery Tour bus supposedly on a "family vacation" This Bus/RV has a mammoth "Sarah Palin" signature on both sides in the back and a huge Constitution in the front. A "family vacation" is going to Disney World or the Grand Canyon. It is not driving a rolling publicity stunt for president across the country. Her new movie promises to even make her look "Presidential" They must have worked for months on that one aspect. In reality she is not qualified to be president of the Wassilla PTA. I would be glad when is forever out of the spotlight after she fails miserably at her certain Presidential bid.

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