Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What should I do? I'm Only eleven here and freaking out?

Okay, I'll start from the beginning. I just turned eleven. A few times last year, I cut myself but stopped. I lived in Egypt for five years (I'm American) but kept on going back and fourth between continents. For four years my dad and mom almost got a divorce. My little brothers' completely clueless about this. Know I'm back in the US and sometimes I just want to die. Then I guess no one would bother me. My Dad got a job in Russia last year and my Mom went back to Egypt to finish her contract. I'm staying with my loving grandparents. And sometime last year my older cousin who I've always looked up with some chick who had him doing illegal drugs, breaking into cars and stealing. The girl moved away but now my older cousin moved out again. On top of this all my parents are always yelling a me for wearing too much black, listening to dark music, etc., etc. And my best friend of five years (in Egypt) just sort of discarded me for another one of my friends. Me and my other friend became really close after this but she was the only one who I told about this. Apparently, my 'best friend' of five years had been eavesdropping and had heard about it and told just about everybody.Know one of my friends' keep on calling me emo or goth and another kid in my class called me gay. I almost punched the guy who called my gay. I'm not gay (or anything else that ends up being part of LGBT groups) Sometimes I think about running away. I'm just confused and need some advice.

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