Monday, July 18, 2011

Footwear problem- hot climate + horses?

okaay so i'm away to spain on sunday to volunteer at a horse rescue charity and i need to know what to wear!! it's over 30 degrees C so i have to wear shorts, but seeing as i'll be around horses, i'll need suitable footwear. I'll need something that is sturdy and won't make my feet overheat. I also could use something stylish, if available. Oh, and I'll need to be able to get it from a shop in the UK. thank you so much :)

Writers, have you watched Inception?

Yes, that is almost completely true. We're the architects of our stories and that's what I find so fun about writing. One moment you can be in love with a character you just created and the next moment you can kill them. It's so simple yet the reader will be so deeply impacted they may even cry. And I love Inception as well.

Jailbroken iPod Touch Theme Doesn't Show Theme Lockscreen?

Alright, so I have a new iPod Touch 4G running on 4.3.3 firmware. For every theme I have downloaded from Cydia, (I.E Mac Collision) everything works but the theme's lockscreen wallpaper and slider/unlock method; it just shows the background I had before jailbreaking and the normal slide to unlock. The only things I have checked in Winterboard are the ones for the theme, as well as no Undocked or Docked icon labels. On my 3G iPod I had before it was stolen, the lockscreens worked just fine, and there were no new updates for the themes. Can someone please tell me step by step how to fix this problem, whether it be an SSH thing or something else. Much thanks

Is there anything I can do about this theft?

Nobody is stealing anything. Your contract does not promised a fully indexed pension, so you were never entitled to anything other than the pension due when you retired (at a much earlier age than most private sector workers, I might add)

Should i just make new friends?

you'll just make friends on your won, it just happens naturally. high school is where you find out your real friends. It will happen by itself just watch.(:

Will I be convicted? Please help me!!!!?

Please help me I am so scared, I just got fired at my job at subway for theft. Before I was leaving on the 18th, I don't know what came over me but I took three cookies from the drawer. These cookies totaled at $3.00. When I came in today at work I was made to sign the termination form reason being theft. I left crying and apologetic and shook my managers hand, but she didn't say anything about my court date or a fine. I am 18 and I know stealing is so wrong. Please tell me what will happen to me. I offered to pay the three dollars back. How many days should go by before I know that I'm ok?

Since year 7 my very closest friend is wearing revealing clothes.?

is she trying to tell me something? she has become more stylish now and wears a crop top now and has this shirt that is see through and you can see her crop top and this makes me go red. i like this girl, so yeah.... >.>

Can I have a thieving wizard in d&d?

I'm starting to learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons and I want to have a wizard character that can also steal from others. Please don't go bashing me for being a nerd or a nerd wanna be. I'm being very serious about this and I would appreciate it if I got serious answers in return.

Best amp for my set up?

im just runing 2 memphis pr 12s DVC and wanna know wut size amp i should use to get maxim power without over kill. will be runing at 1 ohm. let me kno a few good different brands and wut size i should run.

What style of sunglasses for guy with a larger head?

i never owned sunglasses before but i need to get stylish and protect my eyes. what style would look good on a 20 year old college student with a large sized head.

I think my friend stole my money , how do I get it back?

The first time I went to her house I lost 20 bucks that I was pretty sure my friend stole it. But I just convinced myself that I lost it. But yesterday I went to her house with 75 dollars in my wallet from my birthday and now all of it is gone. I need to find a way to get my money back. An if I confront her, she sure is not going to give it back. All I want is my money back then I'll end my friendship with her.

Is there a photo caption app for the ipod?

My sister wants to add cool captions to het profile picture. It is called "picnik". The website is but due to slow computer problems we use the ipod. Is there an app similiar to picnik where she can add a variety of stylish captions to her profile picture..please help us:)

What kind of amp will make my Kicker L7 solo baric 4-ohm dvc subwoofer sound the loudest?

i just recently bought this speaker and im currently trying to find a good amplifier with in a 300 -500 dollar price range its a 15 inch speaker..



I hate EVERYTHING!!!!?

Ive done nothing with my life and im 15 and a half. Sure i have friends but my butt face of a mom wont let me go hang out with my friends, shes all clean your room, and i try but it aint good enough for her and on top of that she doesnt trust me cause i USED to steal and she brings it up every chance she gets and it gets me even more upset. Shes all if your not responsible enough to clean your room why should you go out, and when i was a kid we didnt go out for the summer im like i dont care im not you, then my lamp fell and she called me a ***** im like call me a ***** again i dare you and she did, i thought about stabbing her but shes all lamps just dont fall you threw it im like i didnt, i feel like punching her in the face that nasty whore pig going around burping and farting all loud that fudging butt face, im not gonna spend 2 months in the house, and her response to everything is WELL MOVE OUT THEN and im not, i know she cant take off of work and drive me places but i should be able to hang out with my friends, i know i cant when ever i want or what ever but when i look around everyones having fun and hanging with friends during the summer meanwhile im lazing around. I try to make little projects for myself like sewing or what ever but i always give up or just forget about it and besides my momll think im trying to be white, she always thinks im trying to be white, she comments on my music, she has something to say when i say i hate ghetto music, she always has sosmething to say, she laughs at me cause i stutter, she doesnt want to listen to me, shes always im busy, im tired, or i dont want to hear it, im tired of her, im a up coming sophomore in highschool, she cant just keep me in the house, then ill become some socially retarded freak and do drugs, shes so stupid i ugh it gets me mad just thinking of her, i hate her, i hate my life, if we die tomorrow what do i have to show for it, what i was a band nerd? I dont think so.

Rank the difficulty of these comunity college classes?

Programming will be extremely hard if you just have algebra most school this is a calculus based course. Physics if it is algebra based is not that hard. Some community college profs also teach at four year colleges so the level is the same test might just be slightly easier. Don't know about genetics at a community college.

I need a capture card. help?

i need to know the best capture card for xbox 360 that is an affordable amount of money. my operating system is windows 7 home premium 64-bit/ Toshiba, Satellite L505D with a AMD turion II dual core mobile m500 processor. i don't want to spend an ungodly amount of money because i am only 16. what i need is a capture card that can capture real time (xbox live) in HD. The games i need it to capture efficiently are Halo Reach, Halo 3, Mortal Kombat, Modern Warfare 2, modern warfare 3, black ops, and others like that. so i would like some help. i had a dvc 180 but i did not work whatsoever with my computer. so please help me out. Thank you.

Why do people still like Nicki Minaj?

Nicki is a gimmick rapper and will quickly fade out because she has no substance. Her voice is annoying, her lyrics make no sense, and her persona is old. She is just doing what Kim did back in the 90s, we have been there, done that, come with something original and those stupid random voices she makes don't count either, because that is also something she stole, can you say Busta Rhymes. So really all she has done is jack a whole bunch of people for their style, which she herself has said, and that would be mainly Kim. Kim spits real lyrics, Nicki just says corny bubble gum rhymes. The only reason she is hot right now is because she appeals to young girls and simple minded females, who don't realize how pathetic they look walking around claiming they are Barbies, and wouldn't know a real emcee if it hit them over the head.

How many ohms is this?

I have 2 alpine 10s. They are 4 ohm DVC. I have it wired positive and positive to positive on cup. And same with neg. Same on both subs. Mono amp I have wires run to one sub. Then from that sub to the other sub. How many ohms?

Why are there no famous black horseback riders?

I run a small ranch, and I give horseback riding lessons to kids sometimes. Yesterday, a black girl asked if she could take lessons, but I said no, because black people don't ride horses. When she asked why, I didn't know the answer, so I just lied and said that horses didn't like the smell of KFC, so she went away. But I have wondered, why aren't there more black horseback riders (and no racist answers like "the horses would be stolen by black people" please. Seriously racist people suck)

How do I make my Dazzle stop skipping frames?

I have a Dazzle DVC 100. Actually, I have two. Both of them have the same problem of after a spontaneous amount of time, they start to drop frames in the Pinnacle import window. This makes the video lose frames (making it more choppy) and causing a loss of sync in the audio. What can I do to make my capture cards not drop frames?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dazzle Platinum Not Working?

My hard drive isnt the problem i have enough free space. I have a AMD Sempron 3800+. I have 1.75 gigs of ram.When i try to rec my ps3 i use 2 audio splitters and i get sound and vid on tv. Here is the problem when starting Pinnacle studio HD 14 it says I have a display adapter not certified by pinnacle i ran the thing and it didnt tell me much.When i plug it in i set it to record in NTSC High Quality.When i go to import it finds Dazzle DVC 100 I have the black one (107) and the white one (100) it reads the black as the white. It use composite, so i selected composite and not s-video it says failed to get video from the device. I lost my CD to my DVC100 and installed the driver from the internet not the instant dvd recorder but the drivers. I use to use the white to record and i recorded through wmm on XP. I just bought the DVC107 tonight and i want to use it. HELP PLEASE!

Should I shave my pubes?

if you want to shave it go ahead but you can get razor bumps or razor burns and its a pain in the butt to do and when it grows back. there should be no shame of having it, everyone has it. if u go to the pool and it sticks out, get a bag of ice, put it on the area to numb it and pluck the hairs so no one will see it to make a comment about it.

How to wire two dvc subs for a soundstream stl1.600d?

i have two Pyle Blue Wave subs(plwb12d) i need to wire to a Soundstream(stl1.600d) amp. I need to wire the subs so that the ohm load matches the amp. Please help.

I got my nose percied today..... ?

hi I got my nose percied today and its really sore and in my nose its stolen, when I make my nostrils bigger then I can feel how sore it is, however when its normal I can't feel it or anything, sorry if this makes no sence, but is this normal?

What if someone steals something from you?

What can you do when you're a victim of theft and you don't know who the culprit is? What if I steal his life when I randomly attack people I suspect? I think government steals a lot too and I shouldn't be prosecuted for taking out the low lives of society who stole my mobile phone, gps device, car keys and remote, 2 x dictaphones and who knows why and what else they have taken when the opportunity has arisen. All I can see is another cycle to complete!!!

I really would like you're guys advice?

Okay so I just finished my freshman year in high school, and I realized that I really need to change. I am sick of being trashy, and slutty. I used to be a really good girl, very good christian, and then I made new friends that changed me. And now that its summer time I want to change over break. I cut myself from those friends, doing more with the church but as for my clothes I need your help. My summer plan is to loose weight, change my style and focus on school and not worry about friends. I want to know how to dress classy, I want a nice well put together look, and stylish for a cheap price. I really need your help. Btww I'm a 16 year olf girl. Pleaseee help <3

How can i be more fashionable?

I would just start by wearing pieces together that you wouldn't normally, like mixing two patterns or something. Wearing something with more accessories or higher heels almost always makes the outfit look more expensive and classier.

Can someone explain this to me?

That $500 is more than likely her deductible with her own car insurance company. Because the car was stolen AND uninsured, there is no one and no insurance company to take responsibility for the damage to her car. Your aunt more than likely has an "uninsured motorist" clause on her policy that covers her in the event that something happens to her vehicle at the hands of someone who is not insured. She certainly doesn't have to pay the $500, but that also means that no one, including her car insurance company, is going to help pay for the repairs or replacement.

What happens when the statute of limitations expires?

I was with my bro, And he stole something. A store worker grabbed me, And I pushed him. I told the store worker I was a minor when I wasn't, And the police came and arrested me and my bro. I was charged with assault in the third degree, And receiving stolen property. That was in 08 though. I'm trying to get into the military, But I'm Afraid that's gonna come up when I do my live scan. What should I do?

Ohlone college or DVC?? If i really want to get into CAL.?

DVC has a very high transfer rate to Berkeley, but Ohlone is not too bad either. The high transfer rate may be due to better transfer resources or better trained counseling staff, not because there is a "preference" for one community college over another. As long as you work hard, Berkeley will evaluate your record based on your academic merit.

Will my crush wish me? please help i am in big trouble?

my birthday is on 4th july and i am in india and i need to celebrate my birthday in school(we need to wear coloured dress and not school uniform but i think i should be absent cuz my crush is in my class n what will he think of me? will he wish me? will he not wish me? hez secretive n doesnt share who his crush is! ppl say its me cuz he stares at me all the time so tell me should i celebrate ill take his fav chocolates to impress him n my dress is stylish but what if does not wish me? or insult me? sometimes he insults me a lot

How would I hook up my 4 subs to my two channel amp?

You don't. Mismatched subs are going to sound like crap. Just use the two 15s in parallel with the amp at 2 ohms.

I have 2 Kenwood KAC-8104D 1000-Watt Max Power Class D Mono Power Amplifiers one on 2 pioneers an one on?

2 memphis. the one on the pioneers cuts off completely an on occassions they both blink on an off.. whats my problem? sony head unit.Pioneer TS-W302R 12-Inch, 15PR12D4 - Memphis 12" DVC 500 Watt Subwoofer

Which laptop should I get?

Right now I own my aunt's 6-year-old laptop. And while it still works, the internal battery is dead and will only work while plugged into the wall. We've tried to fix it, but it would be smarter for us to just buy a new laptop. I've looked at Dell, Mac, and others, and I'm just not sure which one would be best for me. I would like one that allows programs such as tumblr to work easily and a model that allows me to have access to a CD-ROM player (yes, I have found some that don't have one.) Something sleek and stylish with a decent-sized screen, good quality, a webcam, will last for a long time, and just a quality laptop in general. Thank you for your answers. (:

Why does Satan give food stamps to poor people?

I got laid off of my job a while back, and was applying for food stamps. I listed my pastor as a reference on the application, and I got approved. My pastor called me about a week later, and asked why I was applying; I told him that I had gotten laid off and could not find a job. He told me that food stamps are a dying program that steals from the pious in order to give to the damned; I further learned that only evil would enable sloth by not having people work and rewarding them for their laziness; I now realize that I must work to dig through garbage cans for food; I have taken my spirituality to the next level, and I could not be happier; I feel sure that I am amongst the elect. But, why is it that I must suffer to be pious; why does Satan help the poor?

Question about stealing stuff from clothes shops?

talk to the sales clerks or managers tell them about your project they can give you an idea whats most commonly stolen

Im going to middle school!!!!!!!Im excited!!!!!!!!?????????????

i have already asked this question before and only got one goods anwser and im still sturggling i love blue i love twilight saga i love animals i am a girly girl but not afarid to brake a nail i ove sports i want my locker to always be oragnized clean fashionable and stylish.I want my locker to have accerioes i want something cheap but still adoreable. i want my locker to stand out from others to be uniqe!!!!!!!!Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????

My live-in boyfriend takes money from my purse?

My boyfriend takes money from my wallet or purse often. He says he needed it for coffee or cigarettes (which he's supposte to have quit 3 years ago) I mean he would take $5 or $10 out my purse everyday if I had it in there. I have my own bank account so that where money is but don't we all like cash on hand for yardsales or whatnot? I've explained that its stealing when he does this but he says ill pay you back. And wheb he gets paid hell give me money back but still isn't it wrong or am I crazy? I mean last nite, I had enuff for my daughters daycare and to get milk. When I woke up I notice only enuff for daycare he had taken $5bucks. He did text n tell me hell have it back today or tmrw but I'm still mad. I needed it to buy milk for the household. He knew it so why did he take it? I mean should I just start takin money from his wallet or whatnot? Do u think he'd finally get the picture or...?

Has anyone purchased a painting from blue moon art gallery?

If so how long did it take to receive your painting? I realize the company is in china and i was wondering how long it would take to get to the united states? or if this site is a scam and is stealing peoples money?

How to wire my subwoofers?

I have two 12 inch hifonics dvc 4 ohm subs. They can handle 300 wrms each. My amp is a Rockford fosgate r500-1 that puts out 500 wrms at 2 ohms and 320 wrms at 4 ohms. Should I wire it down two a 1 ohm load and hope the amp can take it or stick with 4 ohms and just not have it as load. I am saving up for two jl audio w3's so I can wire it at 2 ohms but that wont be for a while so I need to hook these subs up as a temporary solution.

Dazzle DVC serial number reuse?

ok i have a dazzle DVC and i was wondering how could i reuse the serial number i downloaded it to my desktop but i want it on my lap top and it wont let me reuse the number or transfer files

Dazzle dvc 100 What do i need ?

So i want to buy a used dvc 100 and i wanna know what i need to hook up to my xbox so i can record stuff ....and if i need a cd to get the dazzle working ? any thing helps thanks

MTX Thunder 1000XD or Kenwood Excelon X1200M... what would you choose and why?

well im not on a computer so i dnt fell like puttin more, but go with the other cuz the Mtx thunder (if its the 10'' white 1) are Only 750watts and 250watts rms, as i had 2 of them a while ago tht i bought from futureshop for $100. but if u check ebay u can get sum prettty good 1s, and also a 6000watt amp for like $170

Led can hang on the wall, looks stylish still conventional TVs are best. Agreed?

Led’s are always best to me because I can hang them on the wall. However if there’s any problem like blurring images, fogginess then mechanics are not capable to restore it properly whereas a broken conventional TV can be repaired.

If you saw this girl, what would you think?

If you were in school one day and notice a black girl who is supperr "beautiful". Shes is superr pretty. She has super long hair that almost touches her butt! She has a super flat stomach, humongous boobs and kindaa a big butt but its not flat at all. She is always looking good by wearing stylish shirts and skin tight skinny jeans. She never shows cleavage though. She never has to dress like a slut for boys to like her. She is mostly a innocent, fun girl who every one knows. She is so sweet but in the hallways she has this "walk", she looks so happy and confident and she is alwayss smiling. She has brown skin.. the color of chris browns and mostly hangs out wih only white people. She knows every one and is always talking to every one and meeting new people. She is probaby the most friendly girl you can know. She has super good grades and she like friends with her teachers. Even though she is religious and a serious virgin.... she is always talking to all the guys and they think she is super pretty but the respect her because shes not a slut like most of the girls in high school. Shes so sweet but... she realyy bothers me.. maybe im jealouse. Im a white chick though, if you saw her what would you think of her? What would you stereotype her? Would you be a little jealouse? Or if you are a guy... would you think shes hot.

Confused about wiring sub to amp at 2ohm??? Please answer , i'm confused?

On the amplifier, you should see at the terminals directions for running the amp 'bridged'. You should see a line over the terminals that show you which terminals to connect in order to bridge the amp. A two ch. has four terminals (2pos. 2neg.) but connecting the two labeled as 'bridged' will combine both channels of power into one channel of power output. On the sub you will connect both positives together and run them to positive on the amp, and the same with the negatives. YOu should then get 480 watts (hopefully thats RMS power) out of a single channel, pushed to the subwofoer. Two channels also have a switch for full range, high pass, and low pass, so just make sure it is set to low pass. Hope this helps.

Wife stole my meds and i cant get them filled?

wife took meds from me and is now far away tring to get help my doctor wont fill them they said see the police

Will my computer be able to handle the Dazzle Video Game Recorder?

you should upload the video with a lagg with a dazzle, otherwise, it will destroy your computer easily.

I was arrested for trespassing at 16 i was again aressted for stealing at 17 whats my punishment going to be?

the first time i was given a 3 month ACD which is over now, this time i know there will be fines but i was curious as to what the rest of my punishment will be? thanks

Packed lunch for highschool?

This year will be my first year of highschool, I love to shop so I don't want to sped all my money on lunch, and I don't want to eat the nasty school lunch, besides saving money, I want to take a packed lunch to eat healthy and eat want I'm in the mood for that day. Would it be dumb if I had a lunch bag (a stylish one like vera bradley or something) would it make me look like I should be in elementary school? thanks :)

Which car should I buy?

Alas my beloved VW Beetle is on her last legs :( so the hunt begins for a new vehicle. I like stylish cars but I also like cheap to run cars. I haven't yet found a car which is both. Anyway, I have narrowed my choice down to a few models. If you have experience with any of the cars, I'd be grateful for your feedback. This car will be a second car, my husband had a Nissan Pathfinder which is the family car. My car will be used for a runaround and for my 20 mile round daily commute to and from work. My shortlist: VW Beetle convertible, Alfa Romeo Giulietta, Fiat 500, Suzuki Swift sport, Nissan Leaf and Audi A3.

Sandals help........?

Need sandals With really good support that are stylish? Links appreciated. No flip flops, backless sandals...need all around support

Is this the real me or am i a wannabe?

it really dosent matter.i feel like that,but my friends didnt 13 and i didnt really love fashion that much.all i loved was toys, and candy alot.but now im wearing the latest styles and your not a fake,wannabe chic,classy, or glamorous just start noticing what you like best now.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How do I fix my sisters marriage?

Ok so just the other day we found out that my sister and her husband apparently had a fight, he packed up his things, and left. I mean, what kind of couple doesn't do that? Every marriage has their arguments.. there were even a few times my parents did that but they came back! Anyway, so I think they are ending it to fast. I love my sister, but we are not SUPER close (shes 29, im she is my half sister) I don't know what to do. As soon as he left they changed their facebook statuses to "single." or whatever. I don't know if they are willing to try to fix it or talk about it or what, but the thing I'm worried about is I think that my sister probably won't be giving it another chance because of the previous marriage. She said " I don't want it to end up like the last one." Her previous marriage was with a complete **** and stole stuff from her and all that. This other guy is NOT like that. He is my brother.. we all got a long so well. We all went on vacation together and he was like my big bro that I never had. My little bro (he is 11) played nerf guns and video games with him, and I would ATV ride (We both are big ATV riders) with him, my dad, some of my cousins, and uncles all the time in the trails. He also was going to help me pole vault (I pole vault in track, and so did he) And everyone got a long so well. He fit in perfectly.. he actually TALKS unlike the guy in her other marriage who freaked out when he saw a bug. What Do I Do???

Will 2 15" kicker cvrs DVC will use a lot of power?

the subs will do their job but at high volume it may make ur lights dim at night but if u get a compassator it will work but yes it will work now for now its good

What is the best way to deal with bad behaviour from a dog who has been abused?

I would say you're doing things right. One of my little dogs was abused when only a puppy and was left shut in a garden shed for the first few months of her life - the nervousness and timid behavious has never left her, even eight years on, and we're always aware of how things can stress her out so easily, so we try not to use raised voices around her (everyone has to have the odd argument though!) and we do our utmost not to startle her. She is so very well behaved though, so we've never really had to deal with correcting bad behaviour, other than she is very possessive when it comes to her toys, and smacking or any other dominance towards her has not had to be an issue. I think the firm voice and sending to the basket/cushion is the best way forward. Funny how they are out to please you - so they dont like the firm voice, seen as being told off and in bad books.

Am I wrong to feel slightly offended? (situation explained inside)?

yes i would be offended too. don't worry, that guy doesn’t have any sense of social protocol. THat's why he's just a mail man!

I just ordered two subs online and need advise on an amp.?

audioque AQ750 Amplifier is all you going to be need for those subs. a mono channel class D rated at 700 to 1000 watts RMS at one ohm load. Some people might disgree with me on the power supple but most efficiency for the amp output power is from 75 % to 110 % if you power either under or over power you could do damange to the system.

10 points for best answer ..please see details for the DVC sub..?

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How's my country song lyrics?

Taylor Swift >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>… You

My car got stolen from address not listed on my insurance policy?

I bought my own house but my mailing address and insurance policy is still under my parents house. I stay their from time to time. My drivers liscence is my current house address as well as the one my vehicle is registered too. This morning my car was stolen from my house. Is this going to be a problem for the insurance?

Is it possible for me to run my sub 2ohhm dvc sub at 4ohms and drop my amp to 2ohms? Or will i blow it?

Cant drop my swr-1522d 2ohm dvc alpine 15" type r sub to 2ohms (only 1ohm or 4ohm damn option i got) and hav a kenwood excelon 1200m mono amp feeding ut at a 4ohm load?? currently running at 800watts rms and want more POWER so want to drop it to a 2ohm load instead of 4ohms.. Or my other option is iv uh can scrounge up the money to buy one more 15" alpine 2ohm duak voic coil sub and was told i can wire a 2ohm load with TWO 2ohm dvc subs but cannot with one. Pkease help!

Can anyone suggest a stylish bag for adult students?

I'm going back to college for a second degree this fall and feel like I'm too old to be carrying my books around in a backpack - I'd like my second time around to feel a little more adult and stylish than the first time I went to school. Can anyone suggest some stylish messenger type bags, perhaps leather or vintage looking? Thanks! :)

I need recording software help.....xbox360?

ok so i have a dazzle dvc 100 capture card and need some free editingand recording software that i can record ggame playand do commentary with my friend over xbox live

Dazzle DVC 100 only shows static and I hear the audio?

Well double check your wiring to make sure. Which cords are you using? HD cord or standard (red, white, yellow) cords?

Can i use Sony Vegas Pro to record with a dazzle DVC 170?

I bought a dazzle DVC 170 with no software on ebay and i am buying sony vegas pro, i was wondeing if i could record and edit xbox gameplay on sony vegas pro with the dazzle DVC 170. Or if i need the pinnacle studio to record it? Because i hear that people have tried and it hasn't work.

How to cut hair so it straightens easier?

Right now my hair is a few inches longer than my shoulders, and for the most part I'd like to keep it that way. I straighten it, but sometimes it takes up to 30 minutes, and the ends STILL flip out. All of my hair is currently one length with a few layers are the bottom. What should I do to make it more stylish and easy to maintain?

Can somebody help me hack a phone?

i found an HTC Windows phone 7 today, but it's a sample phone, i guess it was stolen and left? I'm not sure but i need help to hack it!! does anybody know how and can you help me? Please and Thank You ^_^

If boss gives you permission, is it stealing?

My business, which is part of a larger organization, is closing. While many of our furnishing and storage units and similar things are going to be used elsewhere and already spoken for, some smaller consumables are not. If the highest official within our part of the business gives permission for employees to take some of the consumable items we use on a daily basis (like pens, pencils...) is it stealing in any way to do so?

On XBOX 360, how do you record the gameplay with the voice?

Like I know that you need Dazzle but how do you connect it, how do you record your gameplay, what else do you need, how do you add your voice in your recording, and how do you upload it on Youtube. And so you know I have the Dazzle DVC 100. Please help me!

Hey can i do sli with a evga 9800GT Akimbo ( core 600MHz) and a evga 9800GT Akimbo superclock (core 650 MHz)?

yes, but the higher clocked card will automatically be clocked down in order to match the lower performing card.

Do pet dogs ever eat wild animals?

Some do, some don't. I currently have a cattle dog mix who will catch squirrels without even injuring them, but I used to have two terriers who would kill and eat lizards, birds, snakes, mice, rats, etc. Basically anything that would fit in their mouth. I think it depends a lot on the dog, and maybe the breed. Terrier were bred to kill rodents, but cattle dogs are supposed to herd and keep safe the flock. Labs, at least, are bred as retrievers, so it makes sense that he wouldn't eat it.

Looking for stylish, QUALITY over ear headphones.?

I'm looking for headphones with style like skullcandy skullcrushers, but are high quality sound, within the 60-100$ range. Any sudgestions?

Can I wire subs like this?

I have 4 ohm DVC 2 alpine type r 10s total 1000 rms. My planet audio amp is not 1 ohm stable. I have it run pos/pos to positive on cup and negative to negative on cup. Can I just run pos off 1 cup and 1 off the other cup to pos on mono amp and same with negative. Dont tell me another wiring option that's not what I'm asking just yes or no! :) thanks

What would be the ideal settings on my Alpine MRP-M500 for my Gain,Bass EQ and Lp filter?

I have the Alpine mrp-m500 hooked up to one DVC 15 inch Kicker comp vr @ 2ohm. My head-unit is a stock symphony ii with Bose in a 2003 audi a4. Gain is 0.5v around 2:00. Bass EQ is 0db to +12db and Lp filter is 50 hz to 200hz.

How should I wire my subs?

I have 2 alpine type r swr 1042d which are 10" 500 rms each 4 ohm dvc. My amp is a metrik mab-901 950 at 2 ohm and 600 at 4. The guy I bought it from said it is 1 ohm stable but is so powerful he fried his type rs with it so I need to turn the gain down. The speaker output is + + - - how do I wire it?

Was Bristol Palin's Virginity Stolen By Levi?

I will be happy when I never have to hear anyone from Alaska with the last name "Palin" again for the rest of my life. Why can't they stay behind the camera and out of print where they permanently belong. Sarah Palin will run for President and fail miserably. Perhaps this will send her back to Wassilla in shame. Oh, but that's right. She has no shame. She is driving around the country in this Mystery Tour bus supposedly on a "family vacation" This Bus/RV has a mammoth "Sarah Palin" signature on both sides in the back and a huge Constitution in the front. A "family vacation" is going to Disney World or the Grand Canyon. It is not driving a rolling publicity stunt for president across the country. Her new movie promises to even make her look "Presidential" They must have worked for months on that one aspect. In reality she is not qualified to be president of the Wassilla PTA. I would be glad when is forever out of the spotlight after she fails miserably at her certain Presidential bid.

My indash radio was stolen out of my Monte Carlo SS 2002 would this cause the computer to throw an P0650 code?

The radio was snatched out would those wires possibly have sumthing to do wit the computer throwing a P0650?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Can a Dazzle DVC 100 to my comp. (with Drivers working) work withANYTHING that can recognize webcams?

In theory it should, in Windows anyways. Such devices output a standard "Windows Media" interface.

RHH: what would you do if biggie smalls smacked you're mom in the face?

first he starts flying at the movie theaters and he steals 2pacs macoroni and cheese then 2pacs like yo man not cool wooaaah. and biggie is like i vow to smack everyones mom in the face.. so then he starts flying but then he get's eatin by lil wayne but then eminem screams at lil wayne so lil wayne throws up and biggie is like yo busta you gonna get a cap popped in yo face nahhhmeaan. and then lil wayne dies and then you eat youre phone and get arrested and when youre in jail the police guy says you got one phone call so you call youre mom and she goe's, help me!!! biggie is smacking me in the face. then you are like woahhh... not cool so then you take your eyeballs out so you can smell them and when you do that you start freakin out and youre leges get numb and then you realise youre a girraffe the entire time!!!! the entire time you were a GIRRAFFE!!!!!!

How Do I Copyright Something?

I've been working on a story and since it's almost done I want to at least start showing it to other people but first I would like to get it copyrighted to make sure no one tries to steal it. So, can anybody help me with trying to get it copyrighted?

Google chrome extension disappeared?

I installed 'stylish' for tumblr dashboard backgrounds and the icon for changing it has disappeared. When i go to install it again, it says its already installed and so i can't install it again. What do i do to get the icon back?

Cute and Stylish Tween Swimwear?

I need some cute, stylish, and lightly padded bathing suits. Kid swimsuits are two small and aren't fashionable, more like babyish. Adult bathing suits are WAY to big for me, plus are heavily padded and are push-ups. The price isn't really a problem, I have money from an early birthday party present. Just to recap, I need fashionable, stylish, cute and lightly padded bathing suits. Thank you so much!!

Clothes Finder help !!?

if you go to and ask for the items you listed here you'll get back pretty quick and efficient answers. its pretty cool they find the clothes you're looking for for you.

I suspect my babysitter or housekeeper is stealing from me. Confront?

confront both of them about it. personally, like in privacy. but just in case make sure someone else is there with you. but if helen says its not her, but you dont think its her either, just say "hey, im not blaming you for anything im just trying to figure stuff out, i have a babysitter working for me too and im getting suspicious, so dont take anything too seriously or hard". from reading this, i have a feeling it would be barb. but im not sure. maybe try setting up a camera in your sons room so that whoever is there taking it, you will know. BUT, i reccomend trying the camera first and then if u still have no evidence, THEN ask them about it. hope this helps && good luck!

Has the word 'Classy' lost it's meaning now or something?

Classy has lost its meaning for sure. I think the women of today need to buy a Dictionary and study the word Classy.

How should i hook up my car audio system?

i have a rockford (T112D4) 12" POWER T1 4-Ohm DVC Subwoofer in a custome rockford slot port box made by rockford. 600rms 1200max. i have two amps a infinity 1600a 600watts at 2 ohms -400watts rms at 4 ohms, i also have a ssl ev4.400 2ohm 100w x4, i have a power wire dual fuse wire splitter so i can connect 2 amps to a dvc sub i also have a 500k frad i have 4guage 0 oxygen comp wire how would you set up this system i have and idea on how to do it but what would you tune all the settings to for your personal use? wld you bother hoocking up the ssl amp? would you hook up the frad? and dont mention buying a new system because i have another car that i take to bass compititions and that has a killer setup i was just bored and wondering what oter ppl would do

I have two shallow mounts in a big box but my uncle has 2 dvc in sealed small boxes?

i have two sony xplodes shallow mount 10's my uncle has 2 KICKER CVR102 10" CVR COMP-VR DVC 2 OHM WOOFER i was wandering since i have a dual ported box. and he has 2 small sealed if we traded boxes we would both be louder is that true??

Suggestion for car audio ...svc vs dvc sub ?

your amplifier is only 2 ohm stable when it is NOT bridged.when you bridge the amplifier it must stay at 4 ohms or higher.

Dazzle DVC 90 Drivers!?

Short and sweet can someone give me the link to drivers for dazzle dvc 90 for pinnacle studio 15 basically on the devices and printers tab (yes windows 7) it says all driver are insalled but video drivers and i search for drivers and windows cant find any so please help!

Agree or Disagree; If the MLB season ended today Matt Kemp deserves the NL MVP......?

I agree, and I also think Clayton Kershaw has an outside shot at winning the Cy Young. Of course, Roy Halladay is going to half to falter a little bit for that to happen.

Is it about looks, and how can I get past feeling so rejected?!?

Xtina, hi. Well, all you can do now is get on with life, see this as a learning experience, and try to be honest next time. One thing i would not do though is beat yourself up, or feel like you are not worthy of this guy. See, no matter how cool, funny or good looking this guy is, at the end of the day he is still JUST a guy out of literally MILLIONS of guys. You don't need him to be happy. See, no one can make you happy. Only you can do that for yourself. So, you made a mistake by not being honest. No big deal. We've all done it before in life. Just be honest from now on. Now, the other issue you need to work on is self-esteem. See the weird thing about life is, however you feel and whatever you think of yourself is exactly the experiences you will see in life. Like, if you believe that you are cool, interesting, good looking or whatever -- then so will other people. It all comes down to your self-image and how you feel about yourself. If you have low self-esteem, you simply need to love yourself and tell yourself good things constantly. Believe that you are worthy of ANY man, because, you are! You're worthy simply because you are ALIVE. So, just move on. Don't worry about this guy not liking you. Besides, feeling good when people like you, and feeling bad when they don't is no way for anyone to live. It's just silly. I bet you are absolutely gorgeous, and that PLENTY of guys would love to get to know you right now. All the best to you!

Wiring 2dvc subs on a mono amp?

if i got 2 DVC subwoofers(each coil 4 ohm) and i hook em up down to 2 ohms each to a mono amp wat will the ohm load be on the amp?

How to get rid of his ex!? :(?

Me and my boyfriend met on FB.. m 14 and hes 17.. im Indian and hes an Arab.. we started off about hip hop.. bdw hes a famous rapper here in muscat..we kept on talking about hip hop and how we both love it.. i asked him if i could be a part of it etc... he asked me to call him.. our first talk went quite well and we had many things in common ..and i had a slight crush on him checking out his pictures.. hes HAWT! well we used to talk to each other like everyday.. he used to tell me about his girlfriend ayesha whose 15..and that they used to have fights cause she used to talk to other guys and she dint care much for him.. ( they were together for 6 months) i advised him , consoled him etc..and once we decided to meet.. that day was actually the BEST! we spent like 5 hours together.. we talked laughed etc and i got really good vibes from him :).. and i just couldn't keep it in me..i told him that i liked him.. and when we were about to leave he gave me a kiss me and said he liked me much before cause m really sweet to him and all but he dint wanna tell me cause he thought i was in a relationship already.. as days past we were constantly in touch.. on the phone.. on fb.. 24x7! and hes really famous in my school (senior block) even tho hes in some Omani school.. everyone is like congratulating me like m very lucky to have him and amazing to steal him from his ex! many girls tried to break us up cause girls DIE for him.. but our bond was really strong.. we loved each other allot! i kept on asking him if he still liked Ayesha .. he told me that i was his only & main priority in his life and he cared a damn for her now..we continued meeting etc.. now on 17th hes leaving to iraq for good :'( and m leaving to dubai too. I wanna make the most of it with him till then.. now its like Ayesha wants him back.. she loves him and actually cut her vein for him.. and she cries for him like she never cried before.. he told me all this.. and plus i read his inbox too.. shes bleeding.. and her besties beg him to go back to her.. and hes like he has no other option but to be with her.. he said he loves me but he doesn't like to see any girl cry for him no matter how bad she is and if he doesn't go to her she ll die..but till now he still tells me he loves me not her.. i deactivated my FB account cause every time i check his wall..i see her posts etc

Have you ever run out of them?

i smoke a lot of ciggeretts im a very high stress person. im a day trader. i can do 4-6 packs of marlboro reds per day easy. they keep me calm and keep from throwing things and breaking things. my husband likes his dip but sometimes he smokes too. well today i wasnt keep track of how many ciggies i had left and went to grab another pack and there were no more!!! empty!!!! i was out!!!!! i normally dont go more then 15 mins betweens smoke breaks during the day and like 1 hour at night. i started shaking and felt light headed and was freaking out......i started yelling at my husband to go get some more at wal marts and he was just sitting there!!!! i had to jump into the car and rush down to wal marts. i was shaking violently when i got to the store and i ran into the store and got them!!! i ripped the carton open before i got out the door and lit up as soon as i hit the breezway. wow did that feel good!!!!!!!! i immeditly felt better!!!!! i ended up smoking half the pack in the parking lot before i left!!!!! i needed them!!!! i think my husband must have stolen some of mine!!!!!!!!!! have you ever run out?????? DONT TELL ME TO QUIT I WILL NEVER BE A QUITTER!!!!

What amplifier specs should i get if i have the following mb quart subs?

JL Audio XD amps set a new benchmark for fidelity and efficiency in mobile amplification with the HD amplifiers. In 2010, the company has taken amplifier design to a new level taking with the introduction of an even more affordable and compact design that allows for even the most difficult installation options. The new XD Amplifiers now take the leadership position as JL Audio’s newest and most creative amplifiers ever.

Do people in highschool carry backpacks or tote bags?

Im going into 9th grade and I have to get a school bag. Do people in high school carry backpacks or tote bags more? I dont want to stick out. If its backpacks, could you please attach the links to some really cute, girly, stylish backpacks? or tote bags (that have enough room for at least 2 books)!! My budget is under $40. Thanks!!!!(:

Dazzle dvc 100 problem?

hi! I have a dazzle dvc 100 and am using pinnacle studio 12 to record. Everything was going fine until one day it just kept saying "capture error" I went on to the capture source and my dazzle dvc 100 was in the video section but wasn't in the audio section. I haven't got a clue as to why this is happening and any help would be much appreciated. thanks

Where's the best place to buy WoW gold?

Don't tell me my account is at risk. Just want to hear a personal experience that some one has had with gold buying. Any place that will delivar the gold and won't steal my credit card info works. Thanks.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dazzle DVC 100 vs. Dazzle Video Creator Plus HD?

I'm thinking about getting one of these to record my Xbox gameplay on Call of Duty. Which one would be better (in terms of quality and ease of use and what not) for this purpose? Also what is the difference between the two?

I want to buy stylish Capris(men) where do I go?

I'm talking about those capri jeans that some people have with cool design on the back... hopefully someone knows what I am talking would be especially helpful if anyone knew a place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

What is a good, low cost, car amp that can power 2 Volfenhag Comp 12's?

With 350 you can purchase an US Amps those are some powerful amps and are design for competition or a JL Audio..

Christians, do you need the Bible to be moral?

Do you personally need it? I would hope you wouldn't kill people even if your holy book didn't tell you not to. I would hope you wouldn't steal from others even if your holy book didn't tell you not to.

Kate hudson movie, what's it called?

I can't remember the name of the movie, but it's a recent movie she did.All i remember of the trailer is that she steals her best pals boyfriend or any guy that her pal likes. Does anybody know what the movie is called?

Can you Help me with the dazzle dvc 100?

In many youtube setup videos I noticed that so me people use splitters and some do not. I know if you use splitters the price will increase, but does it give you better quality? What is the oint in using splitters?

Why is that women are usually attracted to the leader of the group?

Me and my bud go out all the time and well.I guess Im alittle better looking (taller,better looking facewise,wide shoulders,Im a dirty blond and people say I look like bradley cooper )but my friend he isnt a bad looking guy and is quite stylish and much better groomed.The only thing is he is unsure of himself and is shy around women and Im not.He even literally tells me Im the alpha male and hes the beta.I try to change him but he says thats his role.Anyways when we are in social settings or when we approach women,they usually go for me.This has happened two times and Im worried if we're in a club that the women will approach me not him and I would be an obstacle to him.The guy doesnt know how to sell himself either he makes more money then me and works near wall st.Do you guys think It will be the same if we go to clubs or social events?

How can i get my OLDER brother back?

Squirt some toothpaste or shaving cream into the condom to make it look as though it's been used and then hang it back on his doorknob.

4th of July PARTY OUTFIT?

hi, so im going to a very high class 4th of july party. not high class in the sense of dresses and all dressed up i just mean i need something really stylish. maybe a romper or a pretty sundress or a wicked cute top! anything u think THANKS!!!!

What does the Gospel of Peter have to do with the Da Vinci Code?

I'm doing a project on the comparison of them both. i know that the GoP is not in the bible because a lot of the stories dont match up to the bible and i know enough about the da vinci but i cant really find what the GoP says specifically that relates to the Da Vinci Code. Does the GOP talk about mary and jesus' relationship like the DVC? someone help pleaseeeee.

Information on laptops?

better is hp dv6 6017tx it is better in every respect and has a gr8 Graphics card (way better than lenovo y560) and it will cost you 52000 (less than 55000 for y560) check it out

Whats a free working capture card program for Linux?

I bought the Dazzle DVC 100 which came with Pinnacle Studios 12, i lost the disc for the program and i recently switched to Linux and i dont want to spend more money one buying another one. So is there any free programs for Linux that work?

My 360's disk drive has died. Will a replacement drive be recognized as a mod?

As long as it's purchased from Microsoft or a legit retailer, it will be recognized as legit. However, you will need to download reinstall all the updates that your old drive had. You will keep all of your achievements on Xbox Live; unfortunately, you'll lose all your saved games because those are stored locally.

My mother won't let me be myself.?

Sadly, my mother doesn't understand the concept of "letting your kids be who they are." She often tells me how I need to change several aspects of myself to get through life. I like to hold the door for people a lot and in doing so, I've made a lot of wonderful friends who me hold the door for them and the other nice things I like do for them. My friends show that they don't care that I'm a very shy person. My mother however tells me I shouldn't hold the door for people and shouldn't be shy because people will take advatage of me. I'm smart enough to know who are my real friend and who's not. My mother seems to think that you should always care what other people think, even if they're just strangers on a bus that you'll never see again. She worries about clothes, personality, and weight so much that she tries push those insecurities. She acts like if I don't dress in some stylish way or worry more about my weight (which she seriously overblows) the world will turn against me. Does anybody know how to make her stop?

What software should i record xbox360 with?

i have a white dazzle dvc 100, but i dont have pinnacle and my debut trial has run out, the quality of uploading from youtube is terrible.. is there any programs that are easy to record with ? one that i can edit the clip lengths and cut parts out maybe add effects

I have no cd drive what do i do!!?

There will be drivers for your device on the manufacturers site. If not you can buy a usb external dvd drive and use that ;)

Is it too late to make new friends?

I have friends, but none of them feels like true true friends there just...selfish not inviting me to nowhere and always with there drama scene. I'm tired of that and i want to start something new and make new decent less drama without any bad influence friends ones that i could surley gain to trust. Not feeling scared to leave things at my car fearing they'll steal it. But is it too late? I'm 25 and isn't pretty silly to be finding friends at my age?

NBA draft busts and steals ? (predictions)?

I think Kemba Walker was a steal in this years draft. I believe that D.Williams should've been the first pick and 4th pick would be Kemba instead of Kyrie and Tristan . Biggest sleepers / suprises ? Jimmer Fredette FTW .

I have had my Dazzle DVC 100 for a year and now i have a Logitech webcam and the dazzle no longer works. help?

The dazzle just stopped working when i tried to use it today. Does anyone know why it would all of a sudden stop working after i installed a Logitech WebCam?

Need help with a bully?

i am 15 years old and a freshman in high school. i am short 5'1 , and skinny and have no muscle. the bully i have is also 15 is 5'6 and seriously fat like morbidly obese i am in his gym class and when we weighed him he was 300 pounds. everyday he pushes beats me up calls me names and one day he sat on me i thought i was gonna die. he always steals my lunch which leaves me very hungry. i do call him names back and run and he is sooo fat he cant even run, so he has his friends chase me down and hold me down so he can catch up and beat me up. he is really stupid, but he is going out with the hottest most popular girl in school (although she is a complete slut), and he has had sex with her and its true cause they both admited to it and bragged about it to everyone. so i cant make fun of him for that. i dont want you to say ask an adult because i am not a puss i want to handle this my self. what can i do

What mono amp should I get to power my subs?

I'm going to buy 2 12" Kicker subs, DVC 4 ohm. I need a monoblock amp. How should I power these? How many watts do I need? Been doing some research and I think i want a single channel amp, wireing the subs in parallel so theyre at 1 ohm at the amp?

Confused on where I stand.. Am I wrong? ?

at this point you need to slow down on most of what you are doing. blacking out is never a good thing. you can end up pregnant, or even worse. cigs and weed won't do that to you, booze always will. you are going to end up in trouble, or as i said worse, if you keep doing everything you are doing now. you may even end up in juvie. slow down, give up the booze, and give up hooking up with guys who can go to jail for simply hooking up with you.

What to do in this situation during a soccer game?

One simple thing, look at there eyes, see who there looking at to pass and run towards who that might be right when the person with the ball kicks it, but remember if your too early they may pass to someone else, and if your too late you'll probably miss it.

Can you void a warranty by wiring subwoofers to 1 ohm?

My friend has a 1000 watt 1 Ohm stable amp and he has 2 12"s, alpine type s DVC 4 ohm. and i told him that he could wire them to 1 Ohm to get the 1000 watts out the amp and he called a car shop were he bought them and they said that if he wired them to 1 Ohm he would void the warranty. Is that possible?

How can I make everyone laugh at my neighbor?

IF ONLY............I've got a couple across the road who don't work, claim all the housing benefits and everything else, and they run 2 cars (1 each). They have at least 4 holidays a year. It sickens me, but there are so many more of them in the country, I can't waste time I energy on getting annoyed

What to wear on an airplane?!?

I'm a 12 year old girl and I have a cool style, aka popular kid style. Lol. What should I wear that is comfy but stylish? I'm thinking about wearing jeggings (stretchy leggings that look like jeans) a top and sandals but I might wear sneakers, whats ur opinion?

My feet freeze and I can't ski?

I am one of those people that can't stay as long as others in the cold because my feet freeze quicker than other's'. Let me explain. Let's say it's winter and I am in the cold, typical winter weather. Regardless what I am wearing (my stylish boots with fur inside to keep me warm or my army boots made for any kind of weather and supposedly very very good at keeping the person warm because they are made from the same material climbing ropes are) I always get cold feet unreasonable quick. Because of that I can't ice skate, ski or walk for a longer time in the cold. I've tried putting extra socks but not even 2 or 3 pairs of socks helps. I like skiing .and it hurts me that after each slope finished when I reach the base I have to enter pub in the resort just so that the warm temperature there could warm my feet. You can imagine I can't do more than 3/4 downhills per day because it takes almost an hour until I feel warm again. How did anybody with this problem cope with it?

What do I need to download to fix my Pinnacle Studio 14?

I have a Windows Vista computer and a Dazzle DVC-107 USB. I have everything hooked up correctly to my Xbox, Dazzle, and computer, but when I go to the import sections of the Studio, the audio shows up but not the video and image. Can someone please help me? Thank you.

Which one of those woofer are sick?

This is what I have come up with, 12 inch woofer due to my trunk space is very limited. my opitions are SSA Xcon, RE audio XXX, Fi audio BTL N2, and Orion HCCA. My amplifier puts out like 1500 to 1700 watts RMS at one ohm load, so I know that I need either 2 ohm or 1 ohm DVC subwoofers, other than that. I don't know which one to go with.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

So if I have a dvc 4 ohm sub and I am runing both + and both - then am I runing 8 ohm system?

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What can I get to convert VHS, DVC's, cassettes on my computer?

I have Video DVD Maker and it won't let me copy my tapes, it keeps freezing at the beginning and only lasts 1 second running. Is there another program I can use that's free??

Dazzle DVC 100 please help?

Is there any way i can get 720p video without sony vegas pro? cuz everyone says u can without sony vegas. Please say no or if yes tell me what to do.

Can I wire a single DVC 2 Ohm sub to 1 Ohm?

Yes you sure can! just wire the voicecoils in a parallel configuration. positive to positive and negative to negative. this will make your subwoofer a power sucking machine! just make sure that the amplifier your using is 1ohm stable, even then make sure that the wiring to your amp is of sufficient size and properly fused and installed with a clean and secure ground. otherwise it'll be time to go shopping for new equipment!

Stolen ipod, jailbroken help?

so a few weeks ago my ipod touch 3G was stolen and i was lucky enough to get it back. but when it was returned to me of course everything i had on there was gone and it was jailbroken. is there any way to completely unjailbreak it? remove all traces of it ever being jailbroken? also is it possible to get all my info back on it? i have my itunes account with everything on it still so could i just plug the ipod in and have everything synced back onto it without a problem?

Dazzle dvc plus hd dropping frames and making the video offset the audio?

i have a netbook- yes i know underpowered for recording video. BUT i can record smooth video the only problem is: once i record my 1st video, i x everything out to check if my video dropped frames. it dosent on the 1st video after i restart my computer and turn off background programs. but once i re load pinnacle studio 14 to record again the new recorded video drops frames. i have all the same programs disables both tmes i record... help?

Youtube someones stealing freinds videos?

Your friend must go to these videos and click on the "Flag as Inappropriate" button under the player. Then click on the "Infringes My Rights" option. This is your friends intellectual property, and what this user is doing is illegal.

Is this a good sub/amp combo?

Yes very goid matter of fact.. And I would stay away from the MA's stick with the RE audio bro they are hard hittin durable subs n amos are soso. U may wana loom into Audioque for ine of their amps they push "true" power.. Not sure in ue subs exact Rms handling but combine them and try n match up the total amo uh nt if the pair's Rms with one of the AQ monoblocks Rms output at 1 or 2ohms. Good luck brother! And email me a vid once u get em bumpin I wana check em out or even if you have any further questions too

I was selling someone my car, but now they stopped paying payments.?

Repossession is the only choice. Contact a repossession company in Memphis and authorize them to pick it up. Or you can go there yourself and get it. After you have it back, sue in civil court for money owed to you.

Lets talk laptops!What do I pick?

So I am going into highschool this september and I have great grades(95-100) so my parents are rewarding me with my first laptop. They gave me a budget of about $700( well actually my budget is $500 but I can bargin) and I don't know what to choose. I want lots of memory, great screen and must play movies, webcam, and something stylish because I don't want an ugly laptop. I like that dell laptop where you click and change the cover but is that any good hardware wise. I need some help. Please! Help me find the perfect laptop!

How to do a global search in Riverside County Family Law?

I have been divorced by a woman that has been diagnosed with "Boarder Line Personality Disorder" I have had my two sons stolen from me. I have had a 16 year restraining order place on my good name with no prof of any reason to do so. I have over 130 continuances to keep me from any type of constructive visitation. How do I do what I think would be a global search to find out the average amount of continuances in a divorce case?

Why Am I So Intimidated By Him?? Need Advice 10pts!!!?

Smile at him that will make a world of difference. He's still human and he'll appreciate it and smile back, then he'll be able to talk to you. I'm sure he's friendly.

Live stream site for this set up.?

Most streaming sites have the same requirements. I recommend looking at and matching what they need. But I think youll be needing an HDPVR like a Hauppauge to do it.

Can a 2 ohm DVC sub play at 2 ohms?

A two ohm dvc subwoofer will play at 2ohms if only one positive and negative voice coil are connected.

How can i be more "stylish"?

Ok, well i am 13 and going into 8th grade. I guess you would say that I'm 'a weird girl'. I LOVE to read. Usually during lunch i just go and read, and i have very few friends, like, one. I think i need help finding clothes that look good and fit me. I am 5' 8" and weigh 175LB( I am trying to lose some weight.) Where should i shop for stylish but affordable clothes? Also, how can i do my make-up and hair so that i look good? Usually i just wear foundation and blush but sometimes i also wear mascara, lip gloss, and eyeshadow. My hair is brown but has a goldish tint when its just been washed, and people say my eyes are yellow/gold. I have light tan skin.Thank you!

Oblivion Good Shop Location?

Ok well in Oblivion I have around 120k from just stealing in for the Thieves guild and Quests, I want to use it on a really good weapon that does a lot of damage. Is there any shops that have NICE swords and etc? I want to use all this money on weapons and amour and the weapons in imperial city aren't too good...So where can I buy a nice weapon?

Which of these amps would be good for a P3D4-15?

personally i wouldn;t go with either of them i just bought a pioneer gm-d8400m for 100 bucks and its rms is 600 watts at 2 ohms it would be a pretty good match for that sub and it would save you a metric ton of money. spending that much money on u amp that is 1 ohm stable would mean that u should probably spend another 500 dollars for a 2 ohm dvc sub to wire it at 1 ohm. i now have 2 of those amps and they are powering 2 kicker L7's rated at 750 rms a piece. i just don't see the need to spend that much money.

My prepaid card was not registered ?

I baught a prepaid card and gave the guy the money . He just handed me the card n now I need to go back n get it registered. What do I tell him. What if he thinks I stole. There was Bo record cause I just gave him the money n he gave me the card I think he didn't know what to do because it was 711

Is there a freeware program that I can use to import from my DVC video camera?

I am trying to import video from my Samsung SCD 103 digital-cam. The video is stored on a DVC (Digital Video Cassette). When I connect the camera to my computer the computer recognizes the device, however, I need to import the video onto my computer and am wondering if there is a program that can do this.

What should I do? I'm Only eleven here and freaking out?

Okay, I'll start from the beginning. I just turned eleven. A few times last year, I cut myself but stopped. I lived in Egypt for five years (I'm American) but kept on going back and fourth between continents. For four years my dad and mom almost got a divorce. My little brothers' completely clueless about this. Know I'm back in the US and sometimes I just want to die. Then I guess no one would bother me. My Dad got a job in Russia last year and my Mom went back to Egypt to finish her contract. I'm staying with my loving grandparents. And sometime last year my older cousin who I've always looked up with some chick who had him doing illegal drugs, breaking into cars and stealing. The girl moved away but now my older cousin moved out again. On top of this all my parents are always yelling a me for wearing too much black, listening to dark music, etc., etc. And my best friend of five years (in Egypt) just sort of discarded me for another one of my friends. Me and my other friend became really close after this but she was the only one who I told about this. Apparently, my 'best friend' of five years had been eavesdropping and had heard about it and told just about everybody.Know one of my friends' keep on calling me emo or goth and another kid in my class called me gay. I almost punched the guy who called my gay. I'm not gay (or anything else that ends up being part of LGBT groups) Sometimes I think about running away. I'm just confused and need some advice.

What to wear at a nightclub?

many women choose to wear heals even though they're not the most comfortable. Try something with only a slight heal. Alternatively, you could wear some boots that go up your leg. Thigh highs are going to be too hot, especially at a club in June, something that comes up a few inches below your thighs are a good option. feel free to post pictures of the outfit you'll be wearing, might help ppl give you ideas.

How does a lipstick camera work?

having a problem with stealing my tools on the job. want to set up hidden camera to catch them. how does a lipstick camera work and what all will i need for it? does it take batteries?

My mom is too strict! How can my brothers and I get her to back off a little?

Sorry she is the boss until you are out own your own and paying for everything yourself. My mother and father separated when i was young i lived with my mom only not many restrictions i did what i wanted got in trouble and wound up in reform school for a few years at age fourteen. You think you had no freedom i was under complete control 24/ was a good thing what my mother could not do the school i was in did. It was Boys Republic in Ca. saved my life. That is my little story thanks for listening.

How do you wire six 4ohm dvc subs to 1ohm?

one of my 15" L7's has a strange rattle sound @ high volumes but only on certain low freq and their still pretty new so dont understand so i was gonna replace the both of them with six 12" hifonic subs , do you think the six 12's(300rms each) will produce more spl than the two 15"L7's?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

COMPLETE & TOTAL SYSTEM FAILURE * my Kenwood AMP has died .?

I fear the worst for the future of my Kenwood KAC-7205 amp. Without any warning, With no sign's of over heating, no Clipping, no distortion all systems normal....... It just died ! I've checked all connections and fuse's. Everything appears to be O.K. . The amp is less than 2 months old. I bought it brand new and installed it only to drive One 12'' DVC 2ohm. CVR kicker. Wiried in series, the Sub was reciecing 500 watts through one bridged channel. All according to spec. and everything wired securly and properly. For two months now my stereo system has sounded Great. No problems at all. I added two Alpine 6x9's in rear and pioneer 6.5 3-ways in the doors. All powered by the Alpine CDE-100 head unit. Everything was fine. no issues at all then '' SUDDEN FAILURE !'' The amp wont do anything. no power at all. Can anyone help me? This ones got me stumped ??????

Why do women usually go for me instead of my bud?(please read)?

Okay so Im suprised that women only go for me not my friend in social events.To describe myself Im tall(6'0.5),wide shoulder,and facewise similar to bradley cooper.My friend is medium height(5'9) black hair like the actor from the movie coming out with seth rogan called 50/50.He is more stylish then me and makes more money.He isnt very confident with women and he is a very nice guy.I on the other hand have went that route and have suffered because of that.So Im kinda like a jerk and I make fun of their faults whethere its physically(like some girl had her middle toe longer then the big toe Ill say look at that meat sausage lol) or if she is perfect physically she'll usually have some insecurity (like if she's scared of the dark I'll be like what are you 9!?) stuff like that.I let my hair and beard grow at times wear baggy pants and refuse to wear shoes.I also say things like you should be glad your having sex with me.But with a smirk. But I dont understand why HE cant get laid.Will women always go for me?

Im a myself or im a wanna/fake person?

If you truly like fashion and you don't pretend to like it then you're being yourself. As long as the clothes you wear represent who YOU are then that's not being fake at all. You don't have to have money to be into fashion, and even if you didn't like it before you like it now and people's interests change as they get older, especially when they're teenagers. So no, you're not fake.

I need a good xbox 360 trick shot clan. Can anyone help me?

I was in a trick shot clan called BorN and we didn't end up working out. So I was wondering if anyone had any offers available. I want to be in a clan that records and puts on youtube. Must be good! I don't want to be the only one in there doing anything. Also, I have a Dazzle Dvc 100 but I will be getting and HD PVR over the summer. So hit me up with your youtube channels and if I can join. Thanks!

Should I buy a laptop or build a good computer for college?

I will be heading off to college in one year and I'm planning on majoring in Computer Science/Aviation. Since CS requires a lot of programming, calculating, and number crunching, I was guessing I'd build a nice rig for around $700 (excluding monitor, keyboard, mouse). However, if I have a retarded roommate it could get destroyed, stolen, etc. But it will be very comfortable and FAR more powerful than any laptop I could purchase for the same price (around $1200-$1500). But if I got a laptop I could take it wherever, even when I visit my parents and do my work outside. But I'm a gamer so hardware is something I LOVE and need for my games. Plus, building a computer is fun. So yeah, WHAT SHOULD I DO???

Do you feed your horse not horsey food?

Well every so often I get like chips and stuff from the vending machine at the barn. My horses LOVE Frito's and Cheetos. Sometimes they'll steal food out of my hand, like chocolate or cookies. Some like french fries and another like Starbucks :L I don't give them stuff like this often, but do you do this?

Where can I buy a Dazzle Recorder?

Where can I buy a Dazzle other than the Internet? Do any stores sell them? To be specific I'm looking for the Dazzle DVC 100.

What is the name of the book in the movie Life Size?

in the movie Life Size, lindsay lohan steals a spell book from a bookstore to try to bring her mother back to life. I cant remember the name of the book and its driving me crazy, please help

Why Am I Intimated by my Crush? Need Advice. 10pts?

Oh sweetie, DON'T feel intimidated by this young man. He CLEARLY lacks self-confidence himself or he would not be 'stealing glances' and then ducking when you make eye contact. Knowing that he is just as 'shy' about this as you are, should give you some encouragement I think. Since he may not be able to overcome his insecurity as far as you are concerned, why don't you be the one to take control and approach him? You have absolutely nothing to lose, and frankly, it looks as though he is just begging to make your personal acquaintance! :)

Can i still record on my dazzle dvc 100 even though i dont have all the ports needed?

I just bought a dazzle recently not knowing that i didnt have the yellow port in the back of my tv. Is there stilll any way im able to record gameplay and stuff for my ps without getting a new capture card?

Will i break these subs with is amp i cannot break any more subs .........i just want be louder than my old?

There's no way in hell that farty amp should blow your subs, and I can't see it blowing any others to be honest either, ever. Are you warming them up properly, or are you just whacking them up to full volume? There's a lot that can kill a sub, other than running too much amp power.

So , what should i wear for school?

so what would you guys wear to school ? i wanna look good and feel comfortable in whatever im wearing, but since im entering high school i thought maybe i should wear clothes that are sorta "stylish" ? accessories ? ahhhh ! i need help !!! ):


i am opening up a store and i really need a cool stylish fashionable name, i only want it to be one or two words and i dont want it to have the or fashion in it and i cant use my name as its not very good i want it to be like smooch or dash like how the kardashians have theirs i think they are good names for a boutique, so pleassseee help!

What is a good Amplifier for 1 Kicker CompVR 07cvr124 4ohm Dvc Subwoofer?

I have 1 Kicker CompCvr 07cvr124 4ohm Dvc sub and i have no clue what type of wattage amplifier i should get. My head hurts. The subs Rms watts is 400 and peak power is 800 watts. Should i get a 800watt 2 channel amp at 400watts per channel or a 400watt amp at 200watts per channel? Should i get a monoblock amp ar a multiple channel amp? And wiring Should i wire it Parallel at 2ohms or Series at 8ohms? ANY SUGGESTIONS? i would like the most power for my sub without blowing the sub or my wallet Thanks.

Whats the penalty for taking a 1 dollar vitamin water bottle from walmart?

Me and my friends went to walmart and he ended up getting caught trying to steal a 1 dollar vitamin water from there. the owner said he will be receiving a fine in the mail. how much will this fine be? and in how long will he get it?

Accessory charge nd a burglary charge. its my first arrest. plus i wasnt even in the scene.wat do i expect?

should i get an attorney or not? i didnt know that my friends wer stealing bikes but i jus picked hemed up nd later da cops stopped me nd locked me up.

What is the title of this Movie?

It's this movie where this college boy has his parents killed. They get murdered and his sister lives. He hired his buddy to do it, but the buddy was just supposed to steal some stuff. The police find out because the kid makes a map for his buddy and they find the map, and then they realize that the hand written W on the map is the same as the son's handwriting. Probably a 90's movie.

What is a good place to buy clothing from?

A good place or website where I can buy stylish clothing for an affordable price. I'm a female teenager, too, if that helps a little.

What's a good capture card?

i need to know the best capture card for xbox 360 that is an affordable amount of money. my operating system is windows 7 home premium 64-bit/ Toshiba, Satellite L505D with a AMD turion II dual core mobile m500 processor. i don't want to spend an ungodly amount of money because i am only 16. what i need is a capture card that can capture real time (xbox live) in HD. The games i need it to capture efficiently are Halo Reach, Halo 3, Mortal Kombat, Modern Warfare 2, modern warfare 3, black ops, and others like that. so i would like some help. i had a dvc 180 but i did not work whatsoever with my computer. so please help me out. Thank you.

Would black slim fit jeans, a black slim fit shirt, pink tie, cardigan and black rockport boots go together?

I want to go dressed like this to a wedding. It's at 6pm the actual ceremony, and then the party straight after. It's probably going to be really warm. I'm only 16, and want to look modern and stylish. so will that look good/ok? thankyou:D.

What programs are compatible with Dazzle DVC 100?

Well, I use my dazzle for recording video gameplay. But I lost my installation cd i had and I want to use my dazzle on my other computer... I know obviously that pinnacle studio allows you to record with it... and windows movie maker for XP... But I got windows 7 and I want a program thats free and allows me to record video gameplay/audio... and for me to record voice for commentary over my gampelay. THANKS

Is it better to run certain speakers at certain impedance loads?

like for example i have 2 mtx audio 12" dvc 4 ohm 400w rms subs.... is it better to wire them at 1 ohm or 4 or 8 or is there a better or worse ?

I just picked up a Infinity beta 10inch DVC sub whats the max watts i can push through it ?

its a Infinity beta 10inch DVC sub 4+4 ohm i have a 2 chnnel 1000 watt amp so i wanna know if its safe to push 500 watts throught it

Can i record with this capture card?

i would like to buy a capture card to record me playing video games to post to youtube ect. and i was thinking about something cheap such as a dazlle dvc 100. i did find a cheap capture card about (40 dollars) called a diamond VC500. i am not sure if this will work with an HDTV. will it work with a HDTV?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Do oxford shoes ever go out of style?

I wear oxfords,toms and keds.I love those shoes and no they are in style. I think you should get them.Forever 21 has really cool affordable oxfords.

Will Apple cover this in their warranty?

My iPod touch 4th gen was stolen and then found broken and shattered. Will Apple fix/give me a replacement if i go into the store? I have only had the iPod for 3 months and it is still covered by Apple's standard warranty...

Does anyone own a Fiat 500 lounge?

I am looking at getting a new car and upgrading from my uncomfortable old KA which was my first car for the last 3.5 years. I want a car that is young and trendy, not ready for a dad car yet, that is cheap to run, easy to park, stylish and i also love the vintage look. I think a fiat 500 lounge ( 08-10 reg) would be perfect for me and ticks all the boxes. Are you an owner? Do you reccomend them? Or should i avoid? Thanks! Here is a video on the 500.

Can i download Halo Reach off of the internet to burn to a disc? (Not to steal, but to download to my HD)?

I have a Halo Reach disc that was damaged from the console, but i will be able to use it if its downloaded to my xbox 360's hard drive. I might be able to download it from a friends Reach Disc, but I'm curious if I can just download it off of the internet to burn to a disc. So i can download it to my hard drive, and then i can use my Reach Disc to play it on my xbox again.

Dazzle recording software?

Hi i play/record video games for youtube and the program that i am using ..well balls put it nicley so if anyone knows a good free program trials preferably that will works with windows-7-64bit that would help me out alot and it has to work with dazzle dvc 100 i am currently using debut and it is giving me **** quality people arnt complaining but i would like it better just program names preferbly as well thanks

Temp. Sub to amp match?

Until my new amp arrives in a few weeks, I was wondering if my old Jensen 760 4 channel bridged @ 4ohms will work with my 10" Kicker CVR DVC 4ohm, wired to 2ohm or should I wait. I know it will be greatly underpowered if I do (380w), but I figure I could get the break-in period started so could crank it up a little when the new amp comes. Will the difference in ohms mess it up?

Freddie from skins? For the girls?

Would you say his scruffy look is an attractive or unattractive quality about him? Or would you prefer someone who dressed more stylish?

Can you use a HDMI cable with dazzle dvc 100?

I'm thinking of getting a Dazzle DVC 100 for my XBOX 360 to upload videos on to Youtube. But can I use a HDMI cable with the Dazzle DVC 100? Please responde.

Drivers/Software Update Issue?

Recently, my laptop has been having an issue regarding to its drivers and such. I try putting my Dazzle DVC 100 to the USB port, but then it says that it couldn't find the device. This never happened to me in the past, and I'm not sure what to do to get it working again.

I received a birthday card in the post today but it already looked as if someone had opened it?

Just wondered if this has happened to anyone else and if cash was stolen who would steal it and how do the royal mail give people the opportunity to steal/open mail?

Will this amp power these subs well?

It would work fine. The amp is 1-ohm stable, and the subs can be combined for a 1-ohm load. At rated power, each sub would get 250 watts RMS, which falls in the middle of their recommended power range. The amplifier may be under-rated, also; there's a good chance it can produce more than 500 watts RMS.

What amp would work for two Memphis DVC shallow mount subwoofers?

This is my first time buying a sound system for my truck and I don't want to spend a lot of money, but I want good sound

Could this be causing me to get a blue screen?

Well I have 2 Windows 7 pcs a laptop came original with Vista and a desktop my desktop has a quad core phenom 2, 8 gigs of ddr3 RAM, ATI Radio 4800HD my laptop has a dual core Pentium 2.00 ghz, Intel HD 3D graphics, 3 gigs of ddr2 RAM my desktop has 700 gigs of HDD and my laptop has 200 my laptop is from 2009 and my desktop from November 2010 and I have a Pinnacle Dazzle dvc 100 and I had to install a driver for my desktop because its 64 bit and my laptop is 32 bit but every time I run the program for the capture card on my desktop it crashes and says its dumping something but it doesn't do it on my laptop on it works fine any suggestions

Do you think this will get Obama re-elected?

you said it, he needs the hispanic vote that's the only reason he's even mentioning it. If we gave amnesty to these people they would all jump on welfare the next day and we'd be f*ed

How do I tune my amp to my sub?

the manual that came with you sub should tell you waht to tune your low pass fillter at. I know thi is the "pro" way to do it but I set the volume on the dck 3/4 of the way up and the gain on the amp all the way down. play 2 or 3 songs and slowy turn up the gain on the amp if you rewach 3/4 of the full gain with out distorion stop. If you have distiorn piror stop and back the gain off. use the same 3 songs as a test. set your gain whene you haveno distiorn. your sub manuale also will give you a port diminons L and W. also qubic feet of air space. dont forget when add qubic air space to subtract the port size


O.K. so this is my first computer, i wanted to custimize my facebook home screen and the software "stylish" said it could do that i then learned that it tracks your history and steals passwords and does more horrid things, how can i un install this program? give me step-by-step instructions, please and thank you!!!

How to record sound on windows vista with dazzle dvc 100?

Well i have been searching the web for several weeks and cant find anything i can record video with the dazzle but there is no audio at all and when i installed the drivers for the dazzle the audio failed to install then i tried to install it on my windows xp computer and it worked perfectly find can someone please answer

What kind of racing seats should I look for and what to look at?

OK, I want to buy racing seats for my car, What should I look for? What should I be aware of? How can I tell if the seats are rail mounted or if they use side brackets? I am not sure what brands are the best or which ones I should stay clear of. I am not looking for the "best" necessarily, but the best bang for my buck as cheap as possible. I am looking for something that's both stylish and comfortable. ANY advice would be appreciated, oh and idk if this helps but I'm trying to stick to a black and red interior color.

Bridging an amplifier to series wired subs?

I have an older Audiobahn amp model A2800, it is 4ohm by 2ch at 200W RMS. I blew my kickers and bought (2) cerwin vega's that have (2) 4ohm voice coils(DVC) each sub is 200W RMS and 600W peak, they are really well matched to my amp and would like to utilize both voice coils. The problem I have is that when I series wire both voice coils it brings it down to 2 ohm or parallel them it goes up to 8 ohm. I called audiobahn and the tech told me to bridge the amp to 1 ch and series wire the subs to 2 ohm(2ohm + 2 ohm= 4ohm), then connect the positive to one sub and the negative to the other since they are sharing the same box. Would this work? I'm not sure if the negative wire carries signal , but it seems like the subs wouldn't get both signals because they aren't connected to each other....Would it affect sound performance compared to having both polarities connected? Any comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. Edit: Did he mean to series wire the voice coils on each sub(bringing each sub to 2ohm) then wire them together in parallel making the amp "see" 4 ohms? Then putting the + to one sub then the - to the other..I'm confused, lol

Does she have a right to change the email password?

You probably should read the terms and conditions of use of the mail account you signed up for. You may have checked a box saying, "This is ME and MY identity" and if that's true then yes it's your account. But if you have a made up name or entered her name... read the terms and find out if you are even entitled to use the account if that's the case.

Whats a good car for a teenager?

Hi. I'm about to turn to 16, i want a car that is fast, stylish, and safe. what's a good car for me?

What should I say to a girl when/if I call her?

You should wait until she calls you because you can come off to strong trust me same case this dude gave me his number i waited 4 weeks to call him to see if he was still in to me give it some time dude :)

Do you think that curvy girls shouldn't wear stylish clothes?

Curvy girls sometimes look better in clothing items than thinner girls. If you think about it, all girls are curvy once they hit puberty, but some are more shapely than others. Of course you can wear stylish clothes. You can even wear bikinis as 80 in my opinion. Im 19, your height and about 107-109 pounds. I have an a cup and if It were humanly possible for me to be curvy, i'd fit in so much more cuter clothes. Super thin people have worse issues. I always have to pin the breast part of my shirt! Or wear a size bigger bra or two. Good luck finding clothes!

How much would a new wardrobe cost ?!?

A good wardrobe could cost anything up to $2500. If you are just looking for a cheap one, probably between $400 and $800

Need help wiring subs?

I have 2 500 rms 4 ohm dvc subs. Now I have 2 8 inch subs I want to add idk the rms but they are 4 ohm svc. The amp I have is 950 at 2 ohms 600 at 4 and 1600 at 1. How can I wire all 4 subs? The amp is ++ --. Don't tell me not to do it just how! :) thanks!

I stole money from my freinds mom.?

Well my freinds mom has cancer and she has been bed ridin for the last 10 years and shes suppsed to die any day now. And I stole a check of hers and wrote it out to my self for 900 billion dolllars. I don't want my freind to find out....Im a 16 year old boy.

Cosmetology student. Looking for utility tote to carry things in?

If you've been to cosmetology school, you know about having to carry a ton of stuff with you every day. I had been keeping everything in the big duffel bag that came with my kit from the school, but I need something that is stylish, holds everything, and keeps my stuff organized. Help please?

Is it wrong to satisfy this urge?

It is perfectly alright. As long as you don't get urges on the actual road to do such things. It's like punching/stabbing a pillow; you are pretending to inflict harm upon someone, but it is not harming anyone at all. Continue to mow pedestrians down as much as you like! :)

Can I Bridge My 2 DVC Kicker cvr 2 ohm subwoofers on a 2 channel amp ?

I have a rockford fosgate 800.2 that puts out the 800 rms at a 2 ohm load in bridge mode and my 2 DvC kicker cvr takes 400 rms a peice i have them wired like this in this link . Which is (series/parallel) = 2 ohm load. Can I Bridge My 2 DVC Kicker cvr 2 ohm subwoofers on this 2 channel amp so my sub can get the 400 rms a peice without damaging the amp or the subs

I think my friend's boyfriend is a complete liar...?

My friend Natasha has a boyfriend of 2 months named Chris. Chris claims that when he lived in New York (about 3 years ago) he was in a gang called 3 Ne. He said he stole $10,000 from them and gave it to a family member who put it in their parents bank account after his parents have been working overtime. (Apparently they didn't notice their account had an extra $10,000...) Now, 3 Ne is looking for Chris. Chris claims he has a gun and has shot 4 people in this 'gang'. My friend believes this, but I don't. This kid is going into 9th grade and Natasha is going into 10th. How do I bring up that I think this whole gang thing is complete bull?

Subwoofer amp combo?????????????????????????…

im a beginner at this. i want 3 subwoofers. will 3 four ohm dvc subwoofers at 400 watts rms each with a 1200 watt rms two ohm mono amp work?

Which one of these sneakers should I get for my daughter 16th birthday?

If you are looking to get select from above style sneaker i would recommended Nike Air Force 1 Low - Women's.It's made with a genuine leather upper with a padded ankle collar and a full-length Phylon™ midsole.

How to use Studio 14 from Pinnacle?

I have been recording and now all of a sudden it says cant retrieve video from device plz help i have xp and the dazzle dvc 100

What program can i record using my capture card?

i have a white dazzle dvc 100, but i dont have pinnacle and my debut trial has run out, the quality of uploading from youtube is terrible.. is there any programs that are easy to record with ? one that i can edit the clip lengths and cut parts out maybe add effects

How much would this system go for?

2 15" kicker cvr 4 ohm dvc subs, 3500w Chaos extreme amp, all the necessary wires and just a normal box. Also, what are your opinions on that amp? If you could list out approx what each item would cost that would be great. Thanks.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Do religions steal ideas from each other while claiming the others to be of the devil?

I heard a Christian explaining some spiritual guidance they received from a priest which was identical to the guidance I heard while studying Buddhism - right down to destruction of the ego and the multiple rebirths until you are one with the Godhead.

How do I know whether to purchase a 2 ohm or 4 ohm subwoofer that is DVC?

Alright... I have a Pioneer Gm-D8400 Mono Class D Amp which has an output of 1200 Watts max, 300 watts x 1 at 4 ohms and 600 Watts max at 2 Ohms... I am going to purchase a Kicker L7 subwoofer and I would like to know if I should buy the Subwoofer as a 2 Ohm or a 4 ohm and do i wire the voice coils, there are 2 by the way, in a series or parallel? Thank you

How can I change myself?

I'm 16 and have been bullied throughout my life for being different. Also my family is kind of poor and I do not have the things that the more popular girls adore. At my present school I was a late starter (because I was physically very badly bullied at my previously) and although people were nice to me at first, a vicious rumor was spread by someone (apparently i slept with her 'popular' boyfriend) and the entire year will have nothing to do with me now. Someone once filled my locker with condoms (some used) I am always partner less in games (when i do get paired up, i get baseballs and other things thrown at me), people steal my things and I've taken to eating lunch in the bathroom as people chuck food at me. I've never had any friends and am an only child.Most recently, i accepted an invitation from one of the more popular boys in school to prom (apparently he thought i should have a good time for once), turns out he did this to make fun of me as he already had a date and told the rest of the year about it. That day i stood alone in the corner of the room for half an hour, after this I left the school for the quiet of the grounds were i sat for the rest of the evening. Later i was greeted by people honking and laughing at me through their cars (I had to walk home). My grades are poor no mater how hard I try and I am always very ill which again people make fun of me about-and i may have to retake the year. I think that something must be really wrong with me for this bullying cycle to happen continually. How can i become cool/at least normal so that people will at least respect me as a normal Human for once? =(

What are Your Guilty Pleasure Names and Why?

Nevaya (originally Nevaeh) - I LOVE the way it sounds! Wouldn't use it though because everyone hates it haha. I prefer this spelling because I think it looks alot better and I don't care that the "heaven spelled backwards" meaning is lost... I didn't care for that anyway.

What would you like to ask?I really want to become a rapper, what do you think?

I think im not going to read all that typing. Instead im going to say dont take rap too seriously start small like an open mic night or something.

What is your favorite brand of clothing?????? Your Sign?

Does it really matter! I don't see how this relates to astrology at all, also Typical Libra bragging on and on what they have you Libra's are so selfish you must feel the need to talk about what you have, most lazy people on the planet of earth!

How to spice up school uniform ?

I like it, and add pins, jewelry, brooches, patches if you're allowed and embroidery if ur allowed, and try spicing up your back pack, with pins, lanyards, doodads, keychains. Also, wear makeup and do your hair with headbands, styles, clip in extensions, barrettes, etc. Also, wear spunky shoes & socks. Ask if your school allows iron on patches on your uniform. Those r really cool, and add personality

How many Ohms are my subs wired up at?

Ok so i have 2 DVC 4 ohms subs and each sub is wired like this. positive from one coil to pos on the other and neg to neg and then the terminal is hooked up. it like that on each sub. and then the back (the wire that comes off the terminals to the amp) is wired like this pos from the left sub and neg from the right and its bridged on the amp and then neg to pos (terminal to terminal) and i want to know the Ohm load for each sub?

Why are there so few Catholic black people?

I have been a priest for about 12 years now. I've had very few darkies in my congregations over the years (even though there's a lot of them in the community). Recently, a young black person came into the church and asked what it would take to convert. Because I didn't know how to talk to one of his kind, I told him that black people weren't allowed to be Catholics. When he asked why, I said it was because eating KFC was considered a sin, so he went away. But it did get me thinking to why more black people aren't Catholics (and no racist answers like "the collection plate money would be stolen by black people". Seriously racist people suck)

Where to find nice sandals?

With really good support that are stylish? Links appreciated. No flip flops, backless sandals...need all around support

What would you think if you saw this girl?

If you were in school one day and notice a black girl who is supperr "beautiful". Shes is superr pretty. She has super long hair that almost touches her butt! She has a super flat stomach, humongous boobs and kindaa a big butt but its not flat at all. She is always looking good by wearing stylish shirts and skin tight skinny jeans. She never shows cleavage though. She never has to dress like a slut for boys to like her. She is mostly a innocent, fun girl who every one knows. She is so sweet but in the hallways she has this "walk", she looks so happy and confident and she is alwayss smiling. She has brown skin.. the color of chris browns and mostly hangs out wih only white people. She knows every one and is always talking to every one and meeting new people. She is probaby the most friendly girl you can know. She has super good grades and she like friends with her teachers. Even though she is religious and a serious virgin.... she is always talking to all the guys and they think she is super pretty but the respect her because shes not a slut like most of the girls in high school. Shes so sweet but... she realyy bothers me.. maybe im jealouse. Im a white chick though, if you saw her what would you think of her? What would you stereotype her? Would you be a little jealouse? Or if you are a guy... would you think shes hot.

Can a company or person remove or switch my Ps3 in order to obtain my Emotion Engine?

If I get my original 60gb repaired or cleaned by a company, can that company steal it and give me the software emulation without me knowing it. I would like to reapply thermal compound on my CPU and GPU but I am afraid of this happening. Thanks for any info..

What should I do in this situation? My wallet was stolen?

Reason I am not completely freaking out is because not that many important articles were in there. The items in the wallet were the following: Permit, Gamestop Card, $20 Gift Card, Expired ATM Card, and some old school ID's. Luckily I didnt have my debit in there or cash so I dont know why the dunce stole the wallet. I am really worried about the Permit though. What do I do? Thank You

Does anyone know who this is?

Well, first of all, you are in language, so you're just lucky that I know who this is... Its Gwen Stefani. Former lead singer of the band No Doubt. ^_^

If a laptop was plain in sight, and someone would've had to walk by it to get to a camera which is now missing?

Anything is possible, but since nothing else was missing, the most likely explanation is that, as you suggest, your dad misplaced it. A thief wouldn't automatically know the value of the camera, and would have disturbed the house looking for valuables, and would have probably taken the entire laptop, camera and all.

Should i buy a lamborghini?

someone who fixes cars an makes them wants to sell me a lamborghini replica green one the rims are green also and the car looks like a real one he is selling it for 25k cash i just want to know if its worth it? if i show this car to my family they would litteraly freak out and think its real also do u think they will steal it easily? everything looks really real the doors go up etc..

Do I owe anything to my roommates?

First of all, I paid first and last month when I moved in. Second, my roommates let some douche bag sleep in my bed when he was drunk and high. He peed in it, then apparently put my birthday cards on the floor and slept on them instead of in his piss. I would say someone owes me for that, right? Anyhow, I had had enough of the crazy parties with girls throwing up and random people I don't know breaking and stealing my stuff, and moved out. (Not much of a partier.) We paid rent at the first of every month and I moved out half way through May, which I paid for at the beginning of the month. They say I still owe utilities and a month of rent, but considering I paid first and last month at the beginning and rent for the month of May on the first, (also considering my mattress) I would say they owe me... am I right?

My brother blames me for his divorce?

He told me his wife would scream out my name during sex and she would always ask him why he can't be more like me. He said she told him he was in love with me and she knows that i feel the same way about her. He asked me if i ever had any kind of affair with her and i said no but she did try to give me oral sex but i stopped her because she was my brother's wife. I have no feelings towards her whatsoever. He told me I'm a selfish bastard who loves to ruin his life and steal his wife. Bottom line i had nothing to do with his EX wife's obsession with me. What should i do?

The Palms in Las Vegas?

I got a great deal at the Palms for this upcoming July 4 - 7th. Got a room for 31.50 a night. However I am concerned that it is off the strip and this is my first time to Vegas. What do you think, should I try and stay off the strip, or be happy with the Palms at that steal of a price.

Dazzle DVC 100, Windows 7, and windows live movie maker?

Can someone help me =/ I have a Dazzle dvc 100 (the black one I believe the HD version but i have no clue) . I just installed windows 7 and I want it to record through windows live movie maker, how do I set it up so that when I hit the "record webcam" that it gives me the dazzle feed with video + audio

Hire a house for wedding?

You need to check with the owners before you do anything. Just because the house if for rent doesn't mean that they are willing to let you hold an event in their home. Let them know what you want to do. I would rather use a hotel because, like you said, they already have the staff to do everything.

Ethernt controller plzzzz help?

hey guys i just put in a intel pro/1000 mt ethernet controller in my new conputer but i lost the cd no when i run dvc-whatever its listed under other then it shows a grey square t to it when i clikc it it doesnt show any info about it and i lost the cd i think its a intel becuase above it the intel thing is there plz help

Would this be a cute outfit?

I found some grey cheetah print leggings somewhere and i'm kind of having trouble putting them in an outfit. I saw some celebrity photos and it gave me an idea. I was thinking of wearing the leggings with red suspenders, a loose white stylish t-shirt, a black cardigan, and some black flats. Would that be cute? If not please give me suggestions. Thanks<3

I was charged with 3 misdermeanors am i going to jail?

About a year or two tops. Hire a real good attorney (like Jose Bias) and you might get off at 200 dollars an hour.

Where can i find cute stylish school supplies ?

I want to have cute stuff for school and i need help findin stuff from pencils to notebook ect thank you !!

Is a sub wired to 1ohm louder than a sub wired to 2ohms?

not really, they are just going to have the same sound, because only 1 ohm difference there is no difference they are the same quality. Unless your wire it 0.5 ohm and 2 ohm you can notice the difference if you hear closely. other than that no difference from 1 and 2 ohm.

Need help wiring 2, 2 ohm DVC 12" subs.?

I am currently replacing my first system ( 2 12" kicker comps ) with some pioneer champion pro 12" 2 ohm DVC. I have a cutom ported kicker box that the new ones fit fine in and im not worried about that much. What i am confused about is how to wire the subs IN the box to the terminals..... I understand this guide i found fully ( ). So does this mean i have to cut a hole inside my box for the wires inside? And this is true then in the diagram it shows only one sub is actually going to the Amp and/or the terminals? If anyone can throw some helpful advice out it would help me a lot. ( I'm trying to wire them to 2 ohm to my power acoustik mono amplifier )

What do I do when my son cries?

Tell him to man up. That's his little sister she cant possible be hitting him hard enough to make him cry. But she shouldn't hit him because he takes her dolls she should go to her dad and tell him or buy him his own dolls.... He is already crying because of a 7 year old and he is 13 a TEENAGER..

My friend keeps "copying" me.?

I had a friend for a long time, and i know this might sound immature but, my friend keeps stealing my sayings, words i make up, and even my style. I could say something and she starts saying it. I dont know how to tell her stop because she gets mad. And i dont know what to do. :(

My friend won't listen to me?

My friend nikki is ignoring me and she won't talk to me. She's being a biitchh and i don't like it. I can't stand her she thinks she's so cool but she's being an asss and thinks wearing skinny jeans and a ghetto hat makes her cooler than me ugh and she's trying to steal my bff and trying to steal all my friends---she invited my bestie to her big party and not me obviously and today when i asked her why she said **** off! Uggggghhhh help me get rid of her

What subs should i choose?

i am looking to replace my two 12" MTX 12-04's. they are only rated 200w rms a piece (thats what is printed on the magnet), and cost $130 per sub... why is that?? and second, i want to know what subs i can get. they need 4 ohm DVC, and be about 1000w rms/ pair, because i just bought an amp that pushes 1000w rms at one ohm. thanks!

My wii, hair straightener, and 6 wii games were stolen while i was keeping things at a friends.?

I want to bring her to small claims court. How do you think my case will hold up? I gave her $20 to keep things there for a month and a half and she had someone move in who stole my things ( she claims). Either way, it was her responsibility to watch my stuff and now my stuff is missing.

What do you guys think of these shoes ?

I think they are stylish and sexy especially if you will be wearing a skirt or a drain pipe jeans ;)

10points best answer****?

I like the over all story of the song but it kind of jumps around... you could try to repeat a couple thigns a little more. Also, its talking about one thing, and then its talking about something else, keep it flowing.

What is the point of "Play On My" option in windows xp?

I recently plugged in a new digital video recorder I bought and windows installed the DVC USB storage device driver, but I think it might have installed a crap one too, because whenever I right click on a video file on my desktop, this option called "Play On My" appears past properties, and if I put my mouse over it, the only option is the model number of my monitor. What is the point of this function??? Can I get rid of the new menu item without uninstalling the driver?

Which one of these sneakers should I get for my daughter 16th birthday?

I would suggest Nike Air Prestige III - Women's sneaker you should get. It's features include a leather upper, Air unit in the heel for cushioning and a durable rubber sole for a smooth ride

How can I make my uniform stylish?

Hey I'm going to a new school this year and it has a really plain uniform. We have to wear a polo and khaki pants. It's really preppy and I want to express my style even though I have a uniform and the uniform is really preppy and I'm more punky. So how do I make the uniform stylish and express my style? Help! Thank you in advance :).

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What is the best bike i can buy?

The budget is

I hate my uncle very f*n much?

let me tell you all started when i was in the 5th grade(im in 8th now)and my uncle allways drove me too school..i loved him soo verymuch.until one day when i had already gotton ready for school..he never came to pick me turnes out he stole my other uncles car and became a homeless man.!2 years later he decides to show up because hes not doing well out there on the street..he decided that dumb f*k h3 should have never left anways so his family is juss a cherity(how ever you spell that)cass causde were not.!!!!okay now its the summer before my 8th grade year and he decided to loving grandma let him stay until the 4th of july and i dont see why...okay another problem about him is. he tried to rape me.....he a junkie and junkies rape people i think..but anyways i was changing at my grandmas house in my brothers room and the door was semi cracked and he walked in while i was changing and touched my butt!!!

Stylish shoes for tall women with average size foot?

I'm 5'9 and my shoe size runs between 8-9 depending on the style. My problem is that I don't wear stiletto heels because of my height and because they don't fit in with my hectic lifestyle. I'm in a style transition because I am in my weight loss process and I'm ready to by a new wardrobe. In searching for shoes all I'm finding is basic pumps or flats. Does anyone make hot shoes with heels that aren't 5 inches anymore?

Questions about college...... starting and im kinda nervous?

I'm going to be going to dvc pretty soon, but i don't know if i should buy my supplies now or does the instructor tell you on the first day what to buy?

Does this seem like a reasonable goal for my defense to improve?

Since I tend to foul a lot of people in games, I have set a goal for myself to record more blocks, steals, and charges combined than fouls throughout the season. Jonny Flynn almost achieved that goal in the NBA, yet he is considered as one of the worst defenders in the NBA. Why is that?

Finally bought a subwoofer.. need help choosing the right amp?

i purchased a new Alpine SWX 1243D subwoofer... its has DVC and does 1000w RMS/ 3000w Peak... Now i'm searching for an Amplifier (prefer a ClassD Mono) that will do or come close to doing 1000w of continuous clean power to get this Sub bangin' ... to be clear i just got one of these.... i will be running them parallel @ 2 Ohms... so suggestions people... ow im on a budget... anything under $400... also how would wire it to get the most out of it.... thanks!